Releases & Major Branches

Version 1.4.0

  • Tagged with v1.4.0.

  • Added support for JSON encoded environment values if decorated with :jsonenv. If JSON decoding fails (invalid JSON string), the value is used as is. This allows the definition of more complex values via the environment, list, dictionaries, etc.  This can be used in K8s environments, e.g., Concourse

  • Added a CODE-OF-CONDUCT file for contributors.

Version 1.3.0

  • Tagged with v1.3.0.

  • Dropped explicit dependency on Django for package. Overall project should include Django but also allows usage of package outside of a Django project.

  • Update to support Django 3.0 (staticfiles -> static in template)

  • Added Django 3.0 example (polls)

  • Removed the Django 1.x example (polls)

Version 1.2.1

  • Tagged with v1.2.1.

  • Fix generation of the long description for the package.

Version 1.2.0

  • Tagged with v1.2.0.

  • Updates to support Django 3.0: Simply use “six” instead of the support “django.utils.six” package and use “render” instead of “render_to_response”.

  • ycsysfiles should generate executable files if the source template file is executable.

  • Ensure the absolute path is used when searching for YAML control files. This issue is seen when running Django apps under uWSGI control.

  • Added the built-in attribute CPU_COUNT (primarily for use in uWSGI ini files) giving the number of available CPUs.

Version 1.1.0

  • Tagged with v1.1.0.

  • Handle stricter loading for newer versions of PyYAML. The warning “YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=… is deprecated” is generated referring to for full details. The YAML load now specified Loader=FullLoader.

  • The defined_attributes function now returns a dictionary with additional keys if the attribute defined is a nested dictionary, the top level dictionary from the setting file is now also added, e.g., if “DATABASES.default” is defined, the value returned will now also have a “DATABASES” key.

  • Added docs directory and Sphinx infrastructure to support publishing to

  • Added support for a final, environment defined, YAML file defined via the environment variable YAMLCONF_CONFFILE

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial public release (tagged with v1.0.0)