Public Methods

The primary public method is the load method which loads the attribute definitions from YAML file located in the directory tree. Other methods are exported, and are documented here, but it is expected that these methods are only used by the management commands.

add_attributes Function

django_yamlconf.add_attributes(settings, attributes, source)

Add a set of name value pairs to the set of attributes, e.g., attributes defined on the command line for management commands. Since this occurs after Django has loaded the settings, this function does not, in general, change behaviour of Django. It is used to add attribute definitions from management command lines. While this does not impact the behaviour of Django, it does make the attributes available for use in templates for the ycsysfiles command.

  • settings – the Django settings module

  • attributes – the dictionary of name/values pairs to add

  • source – the name for the source (displayed by ycexplain)



defined_attributes Function

django_yamlconf.defined_attributes(settings=None, template_use=False)

Return a dictionary giving attribute names and associated values. This dictionary can be used as the variables when rendering templates. This is the set attributed used used as the variables when rendering templates for the ycsysfiles command.

  • settings – the Django settings module (this is optional, defaults to the settings modules used when loading)

  • template_use – If the the set of attributes return needs to be used to process a template, in the dictionary returned, attribute keys are added for dictionary parents e.g., “DATABASES”, if “DATABASES.default…” is a YAMLCONF defined attribute. The usage without this option support the yclist management command.


a dictionary giving attribute names and associated values.

Return type:


explain Function

django_yamlconf.explain(name, settings=None, stream=None)

Explain the source for an attribute definition including sources that were eclipsed by higher level YAML definition files. If the attribute has associated documentation, it is also printed.

This routine is only used by the YAMLCONF management command ycexplain.

  • name – the YAMLCONF controlled setting name

  • settings – the Django settings module

  • stream – the stream to write the explanation text (defaults to sys.stdout)



list_attrs Function

django_yamlconf.list_attrs(settings=None, stream=None)

Write a list of attributes managed by YAMLCONF to the given stream (defaults to sys.stdout). Additional information can be printed using the explain routine.

This routine is only used by the YAMLCONF management command yclist.

  • settings – the Django settings module

  • stream – the stream to write the list text



load Function

django_yamlconf.load(syntax='yaml', settings=None, base_dir=None, project=None)

Load the set of YAML files for a Django project. The simplest usage is to call this at the end of a settings file. In this context, no arguments are needed.

  • syntax – The “syntax” parameter should name a Python module with a “load” method, e.g., the default is “yaml.load”. Other possibiliities could be “json” to use JSON formatted file or, even, “pickle” but that would be strange. The “syntax” name is also used as the file extension for the YAMLCONF files.

  • settings – The “settings” should be module containing the Django settings. This is determined from the call stack if no module is given.

  • base_dir – The “base_dir” defines the starting directory for YAMLCONF files and defaults to the directory containing the settings module.

  • project – The “project” is the name of the Django project and defaults to the name of the directory containing the settings modules.



sysfiles Function

django_yamlconf.sysfiles(create, noop, settings, rootdir='', render=None)

Traverse the sys templates directory expanding files to the destination directory.

  • create – the template files should be created, normally will only update files that already exist on the system and are writable.

  • noop – no-op mode, print what would be done.

  • settings – the Django settings module

  • rootdir – the directory to create the system files, defaults to /, i.e., the root file system.

  • render – the rendering engine, if not given, defaults to Django’s render_to_string

